Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Claim denied as "NON-COVERED SERVICES"

Claim denied as "NON-COVERED SERVICES"

Billing for services not covered under the Medicare program. 

Action :
Keep in mind that there's a lengthy list of Medicare exclusions such as: Personal comfort items; self-administered drugs and biologicals (i.e., pills and other medications not administered by injection); cosmetic surgery (unless done to repair an accidental injury or improvement of a malformed body member); eye exams for the purpose of prescribing, fitting or changing eyeglasses or contact lenses in the absence of disease or injury to the eye; routine immunizations; routine physicals; lab tests and X-rays performed for screening purposes; hearing aids; routine dental (care, treatment, filling, removal or replacement of teeth); custodial care, services furnished or paid by government institutions; services resulting from acts of war; and charges to Medicare for services furnished by a physician to immediate relatives or members of the same household.

Stay up-to-date on current exclusion policies by checking with your Medicare carrier and/or their Web site for changes. Most carriers will post changes to policies and their effective date. If not, go directly to Medicare's Web site at and find them there.


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